Redeeming the Quarantine

Ephesians 5:16 says, “Redeeming the time because the days are evil.”
It may seem that this time is only good for sitting around and feeling bored; but we should think of it as an opportunity to get things done that we have been putting off. I know for me, this has been a good time to get some extra family time in, and it has also given me a chance to really emphasize my Bible reading. In order to make the most of this down time, I would encourage you to do a couple of things:
First, lean into your Bible study, don’t waste this time.
Second, make a list of goals you want to accomplish before this is over, and get after those. It could be something simple like, one of my friends is trying to throw a disc golf disc 400 meters. This goal is kind of silly, but it’s something to work toward and it keeps him active. Maybe, you want a harder goal like learning an instrument, or finishing up some projects on your house, but whatever you do put your effort into it.
In Ecclesiastes 9:10 the Lord tells us, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”
The Bible is telling us that once our life is over on earth, that’s the end of our ability to work for God. This does not mean the time of our life doesn’t count; on the contrary, we should make the most of the time that we have. So, bringing it back to having personal goals; goals are good to keep us on track and can act as a benchmark for us to look back and see progress. Goals can be helpful, but the most important thing is really trying to live for God. No one has ever looked back on time serving the Lord and felt it was wasted time. Serving the Lord is one of the few things that never leaves us feeling guilty or regretting the time invested. So, if the pandemic and quarantine have you feeling trapped in your house, or in unending boredom. Remember to redeem the time, because you cannot get it back.